- October 2, 2018 Decompile an Android APK packages using apk2src
- August 5, 2018 Transparently Encrypt And Synchronize Data To Cloud
- June 22, 2018 L2TPv3 - Poor Man's MPLS
- February 20, 2018 How To Spot A Suckercoin
- September 22, 2017 MaraDNS - Running Authorative and Recursive DNS server
- February 21, 2017 Coding Standards and Style Guides
- September 6, 2016 Configure Exim4 to provide SMTP Relay service with SMTP Authentication and TLS enabled
- January 2, 2016 Configuring IPv6 BGP Tunnel with Hurricane Electric (tunnelbroker.net)
- May 8, 2015 Setting up IPv6 Tunnel with Hurricane Electric (Tunnelbroker.net)
- April 11, 2015 IspCP Installation
- June 4, 2014 FreeBSD Jail + IPFW + NAT
- February 22, 2014 Fixing nvidia drivers issue after every kernel update on Debian/Ubuntu
- January 2, 2014 Cisco Router Password Recovery
- September 3, 2013 Blocking ZmEu scans with IPTables
- May 21, 2013 BIND Chroot
- October 3, 2012 Routers From A Psychological Standpoint
- April 5, 2012 Thumbnail Layout Generator
- February 16, 2012 jQuery + PHP Multiple File Upload v1.0 by ghimire
- December 7, 2011 Guessing Game v1.0
- July 3, 2011 Cisco VPN Server
- June 3, 2011 Bash script to upload screenshot to imgur.com
- March 28, 2010 SKS OpenPGP Keyserver Installation and GnuPG Operations
- March 21, 2010 Recovering Grub from accidental deletion
- March 20, 2010 glusterfs installation (storage brick replication)
- March 15, 2010 qwebirc - installation and configuration with cgiirc enabled
- March 3, 2010 Cisco Site-To-Site IPSEC VPN Tunnel
- January 24, 2010 Practical Subnetting Made Easy
- January 14, 2010 Image Streaming with jQuery
- January 10, 2010 Basic Cisco Router Configuration with NAT and DHCP
- January 7, 2010 SSH User Inactivity Check
- January 7, 2010 Random Themes (Frame Buffer Splash and SLiM)
- January 6, 2010 IPtables Rules to block SSH Bruteforce and Tor exit nodes
- January 1, 2010 In the beginning was a dot of infinite mass and density