===Quagga Installation/Configuration For Darknet - Quick-HowTO (ghimire)=== [[http://openmaniak.com/quagga_pre.php|Openmaniak.com]] has an excellent [[http://openmaniak.com/quagga.php|Quagga]] walk-through and tutorials. Please refer the site for advanced installation and configuration options. For our purpose we will install quagga and configure it to run ospfd. > Debian/Ubuntu apt-get install quagga > Gentoo ghimire quagga > Archlinux pacman -S quagga > FC/RedHat/SuSE yum install quagga > FreeBSD cd /usr/ports/net/quagga && make ENABLE_USER=root ENABLE_GROUP=wheel install * After quagga is installed, start the zebra service with /etc/init.d/zebra start * Start ospfd service /etc/init.d/ospfd start * Start vtysh on the terminal as root sudo vtysh * This part can be a little tricky. Refer [[blocks]] page to check the blocks assigned to you. Let us assume you have been assigned for client connection to bigbox and for your openvpn server. We'll put into area 1 instead of backbone area 0 in-order to reduce the LSA flooding transactions. Within **vtysh console** type in following commands in sequential order config t service password-encryption router ospf area stub network area network area exit exit write * Make sure zebra and ospf services are started during startup sequence if you will be running openvpn server for other clients. ==vtysh commands== To check if ospf routes are being received show ip ospf To see ospf neighbor routers show ip ospf neighbor To see ospf router database show ip ospf database To ping main box ping To see routing table (OSPF routes are marked as O, Static as S, Directly Connected as C, and Kernel as K) show ip route